What are the forecasts for outsourcing?

What are the forecasts for outsourcing? Data from IDC and Meta Group shows that 60% of midsize companies outsource their HR functions, including related IT systems. The Forrester Research consulting firm has predicted that, in the next 15 years, 3.3 million U.S. service industry jobs and $136 billion in wages will move offshore to countries such as India, Russia, China, and the Philippines. Don’t miss the boat.
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What kinds of projects are usually outsourced?

What kinds of projects are usually outsourced? In theory, it’s possible to outsource any IT project, even database administration. In practice, businesses usually prefer to keep network and database administration in house and to outsource such projects that would allow them to concentrate on their core activities. This is true for outsourcing both to domestic and offshore vendors.
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Why outsource IT projects?

Why outsource IT projects? IT outsourcing is a most effective way to stretch your budget. If you need to have state-of-the-art IT solutions worked out and innovations implemented with less losses, outsourcing may be the only way out. Cutting your costs and upgrading the quality of the services you offer will allow you to concentrate on your core activities and expand the competitive capacity of your business.
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中小业的IP-PBX VoIP系统

小型及功能丰富的PBX系统,支持你每天的运作。 IP PBX是一个独立的嵌入式混合PBX系统,专为小型办公室和家庭办公室而设。 IP PBX还提供了一个混合解决方案(采用传统的电信设备及VoIP应用的组合)替代企业尚未准备好迁移到一个完整的VoIP解决方案。


MADROC® 是被设计来控制和监控IT技术的异构混合系统,能从上到下对环境的每一个接触点威胁检测的混合保护平台,它能提供了入侵检测及防御服务,以及详细的分析报告,安全事故及事件管理,即时响应提示和补救服务等。 它是多点解决方案集成到一个单一的统一监控服务平台。结合了先进的行为分析,預先評估破坏后的感染,并能识别复杂的威胁媒介,关闭威胁及感染來源的Web应用程序和實施端点保护。 它不仅管理网络和互联网安全,而且兼顾每一个基础设施部件,从服务器到移动设备,从网络设备到流量控制,应用程序,防火墙,数据库,存储系统,虚拟化,网关,电子邮件和目录服务等。它还提供了审计和验证机制,符合所有HIPAA,SOX和PCI-DSS法规的要求。 MADROC®可以按月方式订购,包括所有工程设计,配置,调试,许可和维护,以及一个专用的安全运营控制中心,提供24×7×365的支持服务及15分钟内响应SLA承诺。 它不仅能够检测,确定感染,并能遏制,处置及收复受影响的服务,提供详细的攻击证据及报告,并监察,完成及管理整个收复过程,直到你的网络服务完全恢复和运行正常。


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